Monday, June 24, 2013


What kind of -preneur are you ?


All these terms got me thinking. What kind of preneur am I ?

Is it possible to be a Stay-At-Home-Preneur?

Traits i have that no one else does:

-Being able to stay at home for most of the day

Anyway, here's a picture of me dressing up to go out. The one time i dress up in a week, to meet my dearest friend

So there. OOTD. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Immediate Buy Immediate Wear

Best thing about new clothes? 

The excitement of wearing them. 

Immediately buy immediately wear out the next day. 

I wore this to beerfest 2013. Decided to go in the afternoon and enjoy beer in the sun. Not sure if it was a good idea cos it was so freakin HOT. But i got to wear this cute pink outfit !! 

Got really excited by temporary tattoos. Thought I could make it into a tattoo sleeve but didn't really turn out that way. Left them on for about 4 days and then i decided that I missed seeing my arms.

Very into one colored outfits ! Sucker for bright colors haha