Monday, May 2, 2011

first solo holiday

it's been a thought on my mind for awhile now.
last year i wanted to visit Trixie in Sweden but there was always this nagging voice that said " i need to continue golf training first before i run out of time " or " i want to achieve something first to justify the trip" or " i need to make money to pay for the trip "

so now i'm actually going to do it. I thought my first solo trip would be to Thailand but my mom listed out only 3 countries they would feel safe for me to go alone
1. Hong Kong
2. Taiwan
3. China
countries mainly populated with familiar chinese people. so i guess my parents would feel safer for me to go to places where i wouldn't stand out from the average citizen there.

yupp. Lim Shuyan is doing it for the first time. I am flying to Hong Kong for a week :)
haven't actually booked the ticket yet. but i will do it as soon as i confirm the hotel.

Its gonna be a 'take-it-as-it-goes' trip. I don't want to plan too much. Mostly chilling out at cafes with milk tea, reading books and walking along the streets. maybe throw in a bit of shopping.

wow it feels good to word spam on this blog after a month of hard work. the new lim shuyan just got newer after a month of working. But now i've decided to leave and pursue other things. exciting exciting.

shall post something more proper before i fly off.
till then, send me safe thoughts and fun thoughts to pave a safe and fun trip for me :)

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