There are many times i have laid in bed, awake but not ready to get up and go through the day. Lying with my eyes open, pondering about my life, i often fall back asleep (my mind has made the decision that i would rather be asleep than awake, doing stuff). I can say that i'm an expert on this daily cycle of 'to wake or not to wake'.
Usually, i blame it on a subconscious decision not live, that its too hard to be in this physical body, that everything is such an effort. Mentally i know this is a thought of living weakly, not using the power of creation in life. However, i often find that taking action is not as simple as i had planned.
Thinking back on my past and where i am now, using the ultimate success formula must mean that i should try something different to get a different outcome.
In the past, i have been living a powerless and unmotivated life. I feel driven and excited by relationships that are going well and new fun projects. Still living like a little child, i made decisions based on what other people (usually my parents) wanted for me. I appreciate their best efforts and good intentions.
Now, i decide that i want to be a creator of my life, to be more driven and self motivated by what i want. To lead a balanced life where I honour my needs, desires and wants and constantly remind myself of why i want these things and prefer it over sleeping 12 hours a day. Not that sleep is bad, because during slumber we always get back into the vortex, into allignment with who we really are. I could continue my past habits of being unable to wake up, but i choose to live life differently now.
I wake up in joy, eager for the day to play out. It is when i am awake that i create my life. Being asleep is fun and awesome to be paying in the astral, but now i choose to come back grounded in my body and have an awesome time awake and alive !
To have a new mentality about life and waking up, is like building a new habit. It will take some time, effort and constant realligning with who i want to be based on who I AM. I know these things, now is the time to put into action.
When i get clearer about my life, i get clearer when i speak and write.
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